Appetite have been really good nowadays, I swear I could eat up to 2 meals at once especially at night. Yes I'm a pig now!
Current weight: 60.5kg
Pre pregnancy: 43kg
Total weight gained: 17.5kg
× Mummies, doing the cervix check is it normal to have spotting afterwards? ×
I do have and got shocked for the first time.
Having my weekly check up now since starting last Friday. Good news is that baby girl's head is super low and I've dilated 1 cm, bad news is that she's facing upwards!! Meaning the back of her head is resting on my spine instead. This means I'll have a hard time delivering her out to the world....
Today went to see her again, and she's still facing upwards! My goodness. My gyane said that it's not good that I can still see her face in the 3D scan because of the position.
** This is called a posterior position. Babies have to be in an anterior position in order for mummies not to have a long and hard time laboring. **
Hopefully she will turn just in time.
It's not that I'm afraid I'll have a hard time...
It's because I'm taking epidural and to make it worst if she didn't turn, guaranteed have to do a assisted delivery. I don't want her face to be blue black :(
And of course, I dread having a c section.
My birth plan is to have a natural delivery.
There you go, that's the only thing I'm worrying about. Not much time left for her to turn, and hopefully she will turn before she make the grand entrance!
×× Super detest cervix checking, it's so uncomfortable and painful! × ×